Transnational Perspectives in Gender Studies
Transnational Perspectives in Gender Studies

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There are 6 modules: Indian Feminisms, Islamic Feminisms, (South) African Feminisms, Transnational Feminisms, Gender-Based Violence, and Gendered Perspectives in Forced Migration. For each, you will find a series of presentations/lectures giving you a systematic introduction. These are complemented by additional resources that enable and encourage you to actively pursue the enquiries, individually or in student teams.
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Do you think ‘Islamic Feminism’ is a contradiction in terms? In this module Islamic Feminism is investigated in the Moroccan context, but you will find out about the diversity of Islamic Feminisms and you will deal with some of the assumptions with regard to Islam and the Quran. References to Christianity and the Bible are meant to help develop a better understanding.
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Exemplary Topics
“A woman is like wool: the more you beat her, the softer she’ll be.” – This is a saying in Armenian, used by Armenian feminists in their fight against GBV. But there are similar sayings and ways of thinking in very many cultures and the issue is global. In this module we will explore both, the historical and the contemporary dimensions of gender based violence.
Did you know that at least half of the world’s refugees are women and girls? And that the majority of displaced persons are women and girls? What are their reasons to leave their home their country? How do they cope in their place of refuge? Does finding refuge mean an end to violence? - These are some of the question we will tackle in this module.