Transnational Perspectives in Gender Studies
Transnational Perspectives in Gender Studies


5. Gender-Based Violence
“A woman is like wool: the more you beat her, the softer she’ll be.” – This is a saying in Armenian, used by Armenian feminists in their fight against GBV. But there are similar sayings and ways of thinking in very many cultures and the issue is global. In this module we will explore both, the historical and the contemporary dimensions of gender based violence.
About this module:
The modern nation state established the state monopoly on violence. But this did not include violence against women and children: the pater familias continued to have the right to inflict physical violence against them. This is the starting point for our investigations into gender based violence: we look at how the women’s movement fought and how the cultural understanding of what is legitimate violence eventually shifted and how many different actions this required – and we investigate the current situation in the European and migrant context as well as in South Africa and India.
Gender-Based Violence in Germany: A Timeline
Student Presentation by Kristin Yaworski: Gender-based Violence in South Africa
Additional Resources:
Additional Reading:
• Dittmer_2005_Neue oder alte Kriege.pdf
• Münkler_2004_Die neuen Kriege.pdf
• "Wenn sie euch nicht in den Jemen lassen, berichtet trotzdem!
Quiz questions (Cliqr):
• Welche politischen Kräfte sind am Krieg in Syrien beteiligt?
• Welche politischen Kräfte sind am Krieg in Jemen beteiligt?
• In welchen dieser Kriege gibt es mehr zivile als militärische Opfer?
• Was bedeutet 'Schattenglobalisierung'/shadow globalisation?
• Was ist mit 'ethnic cleansing'/'ethnischer Säuberung' gemeint?
• Was ist mit 'Massenmigration als Waffe'/'weapons of mass migration' gemeint?